IES Cavaleri teachers Yolanda and Marisa are spending a week in Dublin to improve their English and learn about CLIL methodology to apply in their classes.
This is our academy: ELI school
These are our colleagues, teachers from France, Austria, Finland and the Basque Country.
On the first day, apart from the presentation of the course, we went to see the city.
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Visitamos el Trinity College |
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The Christ Chruch Cathedral |
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The Penny Bridge |
Our course is about CLIL methodology Content and language integrated learning.
It is a concept created by David Marsh in 1994 and is defined as a methodology that refers to situations in which subjects or parts of subjects are taught in a foreign language with a double objective, the learning of content and the simultaneous learning of a foreign language.
CLIL methodology is based on four concepts known as the 4Cs of the curriculum. For a CLIL lesson to be well designed, it must include the following elements:
- Content: immersion in the knowledge and content of an area.
- Communication: use of the foreign language as a vehicle for communication.
- Cognitively: development of cognitive skills linking knowledge formation and language.
- Culture: introduction to a cultural context that broadens the perspective towards knowledge of others and of oneself.
En el diseño de materiales será necesario incluir todas las destrezas lingüïsticas: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
After the presentation of the CLIL methodology we have been practising different activities to apply in our classes.
The pictures above show the activity described below.
This activity can be used as a quiz, dividing the class into groups and to review concepts and basic vocabulary.
The four skills are used: reading, listening, writing and speaking.
Activity 1. Understanding textbook language
1. Put the students into groups of not more than four
2. Give each group a set of the key words and phrases and tell then these are taken for the text they are about to hear. Give students time to read and help each other understand then.
3. While you read out the text they must place the key words in the order in which they hear them.
4. In their groups they must use the ordered key words to write the text from memory. This does not have to be word for word as the original.
5. Give the students a copy of the original text, or direct them to the appropiate page of the coursebook to check their answer.
The academy is about 25 minutes walk from our house.
This is our daily walk:

Classes start at 9:00 a.m.
We continue with the CLIL methodology
- In the CLIL methodology, it is the contents that form the backbone of language learning, and the foreign language is merely an instrument.
- Students must work from the content, which means that it is necessary to select content from each subject and linguistic content, integrating all the linguistic skills.
However, how can we work on content?
Making classes more dynamic. Our job is: BRING THE BOOK TO LIFE!
- The student as the centre of learning
- The aim is to develop their autonomy and independence by putting the responsibility for learning in their hands, giving them the guidelines to do so.
The learner is at the centre of this methodology and in order to be able to communicate in another language, it is recommended that socialising activities through co-operative work are proposed.
Actividad 2 Echoing
Aims: listening and repeating, writing, working in groups.
Demo subject:History
Topic: Lenin or any topic your students need to learn and memorize
1. Find information in English on the topic and prepare a short talk on it.
2. Divide your input into separate short sentence
1. Write the title of your topic on the board
2. put the class into groups of no more than four. Ask them to telleach otherwhat they already know about the topi
Tell the students to put away the pens and not to use them until you tell them
Ask the members of each groupto number themselves one to four.
3. Tell them you are going to read some sentences out loud.
Read the first sentence twice clearly.The student 1 in each group repeted all at the same tim. then the rest of their group repet it back to the echoer.
4. Read the second sentence twice for the student to repeat. The group then repeat it back. Continue in the same way until you have read all the sentences.
- Lenin was born in 1870 in Rusia
- He studied law at university
- He became a professional revolutionary
- He was arrested and exiled to Siberia
Write a key word or two from eah sentence on the board
- law university
- revolutionary
- arrested exiled
5. Tell the students to lookit the key words on theboardwhile you read read all sentences
6. Ask your students to reconstuct the sentences in their group
7. Check their work
Aims: Understanding definitions, matching key words and definitions, listening.
Materials: Slips of papers or cards; a bag
Demo subject: Chemistry
Topic: Important substances and processes
1. Prepare a list of nine key words you want your students to undestand and remember.
2. Write a definition or description for each key word on a separate slip of paper or card. At lower levels write the descriptions in the mother tongue and in English.
1. Write the key words all over the board.
2. Ask teh students to draw a nine-square grid. Tell them to choose nine of the keywords and to write each one in square, in any order.
3. Put the definitions into a bag. Put out one a time and read it out.
If the students have the matching word on their grids, they cross it out. When a student has crossed out a whole line of words, he or she calls out Line!
4. Continue reading the definitions until one student has crossed out all their squares. This student calls out Full house!!
5. Read out any definition still remaining in the bag and ask students to give you the matching word.
6. Ask the class to write the key words and definitions in their notebooks. They could also add the mother tongue equivalents.
A very characteristic feature of Dublin is the coloured doors of its houses:
In addition to the sessions on CLIL methodology, this course included intensive classes to reinforce our English.
And part of our experience was to visit the University's bookshop and see both the symbolic symbol of the University and the Book of Kells.
The last day of the course ended with a review of the topics covered, the introduction of Bloon's taxonomy as a reflection on learning and a final activity to round off the course..
Bloom's taxonomy was designed by Benjamin Bloom in 195.
The levels of knowledge that Bloom's taxonomy talks about are: knowing, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating and creating.
Any methodology based on Bloom's taxonomy does not only seek memorisation or even understanding of content, it goes beyond that: it aims for students to develop skills that allow them to use the knowledge acquired as a tool to solve problems and create knowledge.
Activity 4 For and against activity
Aims Language : Preparing and giving a short talk on a specific subject; memorized words.
1. Divide the class in for an against groups on an specific topic. Example: Animal testing.
2. Let them discuss in group the main arguments.
3. Desing a poster that show the main idea of your argument.
4. Present the poster to the class. Be prepare to answer questions, refute the against arguments and convince the others.
5. Vote the winner.
Included in the programme was an excursion to Glendalough and Kilkenny Castle. It was an opportunity to learn about Irish culture, customs and history and to strengthen ties with our European colleagues.

Unas fotos muy bonitas. Espero que el curso haya sido igual de interesante. Ya nos contarás.