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One of our collegues is attending a course in Dublin from the 2nd to the 8th of December. 

The 4Cs: Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication and Collaboration in Schools

Another  teacher is attending a course in Prague from the 9th to the 13th of December.

Approaching Multicultural Issues and Mixed Ability Classes

There are teachers from Rumania, Germany, Belgium, Finland, Cyprus, Italy and I am the only one from Spain. Most of them teach in secondary schools, some in adult teaching, some with inmigrants and some are from primary schools. There are teachers of L2, L1, maths, history and biology.  
...a very "diverse" class, as you can see!



“Havel’s Place” 

This is a memorial to Václav Havel, last president of Czechoslovakia (1989-1992) and first president of the Czech Republic (1993-2003). He thought that when two people sit together to talk about problems, something good and "alive" will grow. Here the chairs and the trees are physically connected.  




He defended Dialogue, getting people to talk to each other to solve their issues peacefully and constructively. The words around the table say  “Truth and Love Must Overcome Lies and Hatred”

1. Who was Havel?
2. Where is this memorial?
3. Find information about the Check Republic in the web.
4. Make a comment on this entry about Havel's Place in Prague. Write your comment on this blog.

 Two more teachers from IES Cavaleri are on their way back from a training course abroad. This time in Dublin. If you want to read more, please click on pace Intensive English Course and CLIL for Teachers  above. 

Our fifth mobility, this time in English but in Italy. The name of the course is Project Based Learning.


6 comentarios:

  1. 1 Václav Havel, was the last president of Czechoeslovakia
    2 Is in Chequia
    3 Is a country in Central Europe bordered by Poland to the northeast, Slovakia to the southeast, Austria to the south, and Germany to the west.
    4 Is a beautiful place and you can take very beautifuls photos

    María Luisa Lora Giraldo and Andrea Mateos Martínez 3ºD

  2. We think that the way of solving problems by Václav Havel was a really nice idea! We believe that Dialogue gets people to talk to each other and due to this they solve their problems in a peacefully and constructively way!
    Manuela Gallardo y Paula Almuedo 3ºD

  3. I think that this is a very good way for solving problems.Problems are solved easily when people talk about them instead of fighting.Inma 3ºD

  4. I think that this activity is very interesting because I think that is very important to get to know other cultures and other languages If I had the opportunity I would not hesitate to make the most of it. In my opinion I think that the teachers have have a good time as well.Nicolás Alonso =)

  5. I think that president had agood view of how we can resolve our problems.I'm agree with he, we can talk like people with a big brain to think .Martín de la Rosa=)


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